Currency time calculator
Currency time calculator

currency time calculator
  1. Currency time calculator full#
  2. Currency time calculator code#

Note: The Posting currency type is used only for creating rate codes/packages in a different currency.

  • Posting - Exchanged currency to be applied to posting transactions.
  • Commissions - Exchanged currency to be used for travel agent commissions.
  • Forecast - Exchanged currency to be used for property revenue forecasting.
  • Currency time calculator full#

    Settlement - Exchanged currency to be used in full or partial payment of the guest's bill.Check - Exchanged traveler's check to be used without regard for its ultimate application (sometimes called "over-the-counter" exchange).Cash - Exchanged currency to be used without regard for its ultimate application (sometimes called "over-the-counter" exchange).

    Currency time calculator code#

    The description of the exchange code appears to the right of the field. Only those codes configured for the selected From Currency are displayed. Select the down arrow to choose the type of exchange to take place. Note: For a currency to be available to be sold, the Sell Foreign Currency check box must be selected on the Foreign Currency Codes screen when the currency code is configured. The description of the currency code selected appears to the right of the field. When Sell Rate is selected, this is the currency being sold. When Buy Rate is selected (the default), this is the currency being bought.

    currency time calculator

    Select the down arrow to choose the currency being exchanged from the Currency LOV. If you select a future date, the anticipated exchange rate for that date is used.įrom Currency. If you select a past date, the historical exchange rate in-effect for that date is used. If you select today's date, the current exchange rate is used. Today's date is the default however, you may change the date to any date in the past or future. Date when the transaction will take place or took place. Do not enter currency symbols (e.g., £40 or $95 ).ĭate. (Available when the Cashiering>Foreign Currency Handling application function and Cashiering>Sell Foreign Currency application parameter are set to Y.) Select the option button that applies to the type of exchange transaction. For example, currency exchange features may be available when handling bill payment, when cashing traveler's checks, as well as when you are exchanging guest currency "over the counter".īuy Rate/Sell Rate. OPERA provides currency exchange features within functional areas, as appropriate for the specific task you are performing and your property's configuration.

    currency time calculator

    No actual currency exchange is recorded when you use this screen. Note: This screen is provided for reference purposes only.

    currency time calculator

    By specifying the date of the exchange and the type of exchange you can ensure that the calculation uses the appropriate exchange rate. This Cashiering option is used to calculate the equivalent currency when exchanging one currency for another. When the Cashiering>Foreign Currency Handling application function is set to Y, select Cashiering>Cashier Functions>Currency Calculator to display the Currency Calculator screen. Buy and Sell exchange rate functionality will not be active in OPERA S&C. Note: The Exchange Rates screen and the Currency Calculator screen are available in OPERA S&C when the Cashiering>Exchange Rate and Cashiering>Currency Calculator user permissions, respectively, are granted to the user.

    Currency time calculator